Friday, January 2, 2015

Take a deep breath and talk to God

“Sometimes when we pray, a remarkable thing happens:  We find the means, ways, and energies to perform tasks far beyond our capacities.”

Basic Text, p. 46


Coping successfully with life’s minor annoyances and frustrations is sometimes the most difficult skill we have to learn in recovery.  We are faced with small inconveniences daily.  From untangling the knots in our children’s shoelaces to standing in line at the market, our days are filled with minor difficulties that we must somehow deal with.

If we’re not careful, we may find ourselves dealing with these difficulties by bullying our way through each problem or grinding our teeth while giving ourselves a stern lecture about how we should handle them.  These are extreme examples of poor coping skills, but even if we’re not this bad, there’s probably room for improvement.

Each time life presents us with another little setback to our daily plans, we can simply take a deep breath and talk to the God of our understanding.  Knowing we can draw patience, tolerance, or whatever we need from that Power, we find ourselves coping better and smiling more often.


Just for today:  I will take a deep breath and talk to my God whenever I feel frustrated.

It's the journey, not the destination!!!!!1111one1!!  

No one wants to deal with the day to day nonsense that creates no value added: an errant puddle that defaces our new shoes, the guy who is positive he has exact change in one of his dozen pockets, the person who isn't due for a prescription refill, but must have it because they are "goin' on vacation", the homeowner who intends to swap out 10 (yes 10!) light fixtures before they move out of the house you just bought, the guy / gal doing 55 in the left lane creating a traffic jam at 11PM at night, etc etc etc. These are all a part of the journey. There is no way to avoid them or these occasional circumstances.

Take it easy. 

God's got you.

This pain in the rump will be over before you know it. 

Take a deep breath.

Don't forget to smile :)