Sometimes funny while tragically self indulgent at others these are my experiences and thoughts about my personal life and recovery. Come on in. Relax and enjoy the show.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Not Fair
This is a bunch a bullshit. Now these fuckin' flavors have to come out?! It's taking forever to overcome the carb cravings and then this happens...
Ben and Jerry must know that half the friggin' country makes a new years resolution to eat healthier. What is it guys? To combat slumping post holiday sales you release new ice cream flavors during the coldest month of the year? This isn't a conspiracy. It's a well thought out marketing tool to break the weak from the herd!!!!!11one11!
This is craaap! Crap, I say!! Grrrr. Well played you mother-fathers
::mumbles:: peanut butter cookie ::mumbles::
God grant me the serenity...