Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I can't believe it

"Members who have achieved long-term recovery will be the first to admit that the longer they are here, the more they have to learn.  But they do know one thing:  By following this simple Twelve-Step program, they have been able to stay clean.  They no longer ask “why”; they ask “how.”  The value of endless speculation pales in comparison to the experience of addicts who’ve found a way to stay clean and live clean.

This doesn’t mean we don’t ask “why” when it’s appropriate.  We don’t come to NA and stop thinking!  But in the beginning, it’s often a very good idea to reword our questions.  Instead of asking “why,” we ask “how.” How do I work this step?  How often should I attend meetings?  How do I stay clean?

Just for today:  I don’t have all the answers, but I know where to find the ones that matter.  Today, I will ask another addict, “How does it work?”

It doesn't seem possible that something could mean so much to me and yet I've been oblivious to it. How?! Hooowwww is thissss possibllllllllllllle???!!!!! I'm like the absent minded professor. I missed it. This is really unsettling.

Thankfully there is always Amazon! Check out the link to the season pass offer which allows you to watch the last 5 episodes before they air on PBS!!

Hah, I know someone tried to click the picture to watch the video. Silly, rabbit.

::edit:: Yes, I'm aware that I've used a lot of vertical punctuation lately ::edit::