Saturday, January 3, 2015

Some needs are unmet

"Sooner or later, we realize that our greatest need in recovery is “for knowledge of God’s will for us and the strength to carry that out.”  There, we find the direction and sense of purpose our addiction had hidden from us.  In our God’s will we find freedom from self-will.

No longer driven only by our own needs, we are free to live with others on an equal footing.
There’s nothing wrong with outward success.  But without the spiritual connection offered by the NA program, our greatest need in recovery goes unmet, regardless of how “successful” we may be.

Just for today:  I will seek the fulfillment of my greatest need: a vital, guiding connection with the God of my understanding."

And if that's too deep for you then consider this...

I'd bury my cock in her ass so deep that whoever could pull it out would be crowned the new King Arthur. Oh man. Dat rump. That would be a spiritual experience ;)