Thursday, February 7, 2013

This is not a test

Just for today -

"Some of us come into recovery with the impression that life’s hardships are a series of cosmic tests designed to teach us something. This belief is readily apparent when something traumatic happens and we wail, “My Higher Power is testing me!” We’re convinced that it’s a test of our recovery when someone offers us drugs, or a test of our character when faced with a situation where we could do something unprincipled without getting caught. We may even think it’s a test of our faith when we’re in great pain over a tragedy in our lives.

But a loving Higher Power doesn’t test our recovery, our character, or our faith. Life just happens, and sometimes it hurts. Many of us have lost love through no fault of our own. Some of us have lost all of our material wealth. A few of us have even grieved the loss of our own children. Life can be terribly painful at times, but the pain is not inflicted on us by our Higher Power. Rather, that Power is constantly by our sides, ready to carry us if we can’t walk by ourselves. There is no harm that life can do us that the God of our understanding can’t heal." 

This isn't a test. Life happens. My good friend's nephew died today. He was 18 years old. No drugs. No car accident. He had a congenital heart condition, passed out at work, and died on the way to the hospital. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason why things happen. God doesn't test us. Life happens and sometimes it hurts. That statement is easier to say than to live. Sigh.

Make a donation for the funeral: