Sometimes funny while tragically self indulgent at others these are my experiences and thoughts about my personal life and recovery. Come on in. Relax and enjoy the show.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Speed bump
Well, last Saturday I broke a personal best and covered a distance of about 3.8 miles in 60 minutes. My knee bothered me pretty consistently, but no worse than it's ever been the last 4 weeks. I took it easy on my 2 off days hoping to repeat the performance today. Well, that didn't happen. I did a light stretch and a 1/2 mile on the elliptical as a warm up to get the blood flowing. I then did a more complete stretch thanks to some info that L to the P sent me. I hopped onto the treadmill and 2 miles later (35 min) I was in agony. I couldn't walk another step at any speed worth a damn so I stopped. I thought the problem was the impact of running, but the pain was greatest while lifting my leg not extending it. I jumped on the bike and clicked off 6 miles in 25 min. Zero pain. I worked out on the leg press machine. Zero pain. Walking around the gym? Very uncomfortable.
Looks like I'm going to be biking most of the time this week :( GRRRRRR!!!!!
I will continue going to the gym. My progress will slow down, but it will not stop.