Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The here and now

What do you want from life?

What's in the way?

The only thing we can't have is everything. Anything else that's missing is just for today. Take a minute to look at yourself and your life. What do you know? I'm flawed, but I am good enough. I've known God's grace and I've wandered away from It at times. I've laughed until tears ran down my cheeks and cried tears of sorrow. I've helped others to embrace life and hurt my favorite person enough that she needed to walk away from me. I've had success and failed terribly. When I look at where I am today it's as plain as day: I'm healthy and I'm loved. Examining this snap shot in time, my life is beautiful. Being where I am today is enough for today. I am content with the state of my world.

The extraordinary thing about tomorrow is that it's only limited by me. What I can do tomorrow is based on the effort I put into today. I have defects of character that hold me back, but I can unload these burdens. As much as I love my life today, the possibilities that exist for tomorrow are truly extraordinary. These burdens are not obstacles to be overcome, but opportunities to be seized. Pieces of my future are written today. Do the work and you will know the reward...

What do I want from life? To know the freedoms that moving past my burdens will bring. What's in the way? Just me.

The message is hope and the promise is freedom! Just for today get out of your way.

"Living in the moment offers freedom.  In this moment, we know that we are safe.  We are not using, and we have everything we need.  Whats more, life is happening in the here and now.  The past is gone and the future has yet to arrive; our worrying wont change any of it.  Today, we can enjoy our recovery, this very minute." - Written by someone I'd like to meet.
