According to the above, the most popular type of porn search in the United States is lesbian. For those that are wondering what's popular with me my current muse is Mia Khalifa (swoon insert heart emoji). She is moca goodness. Anyway, I'm not averse to girl on girl action, but it isn't near the top of my list. Mia has done girl on girl videos, but I've never taken the time to watch any of them because I feel her assets are better used in other ways (insert naughty emoji with horns). So back to the topic, because lesbian porn isn't in my top 10 searches I thought that the wording in the headline of the link that started all this might be deceptive. I started to investigate further and found the following: So, PornHub must be the source of the information for the original link that was on Facebook. Let's examine their top US searches:
It's interesting to see how the list breaks down. Lesbian porn at the top makes some sense in that I personally know: 1. exponentially more guys who watch girl on girl porn than women who watch guy on guy porn, 2. more women who identify as bi-sexual, 3. lesbians watch porn too! So that kinda sorta explains number one, but lets look at the rest. I found the list interesting because it shows what people are really into fantasy wise instead of merely what they'll actually admit. The list is reality. Millions of people search for these things, but few people share their true thoughts with a partner. So for me, basically the rest of the list is a yes. Role play and fantasy are awesome. If I was a young guy with a hot step mom or step sister then it would be a yes for me. Cartoons = yes. Teens :) Squirt = absolutely. Milf, creampie, babysitter, hentai, teacher... the list keeps getting better hah. The list shows what "we" think about when our minds drift off to that naughty place. I'm not saying that most people would do the things that they search for, but I am saying that most people would love to role play this stuff if they could get out of their own way and tell their partner. Free your mind and the rest will follow - En Vogue hah
Hmm... lets try Mia Khalifa threesome step sister squirt creampie
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