Friday, July 17, 2015

Ah hah

The past week or so my mind has been flooded with memories from the past. A thought here and there is one thing, but it got to the point where I had dreams which is pretty unusual for me. This wasn't bad necessarily. I don't hate the past, but the frequency of it all was intrusive so it really stated to bother me. I have good stuff going on right now, but all of these bitter sweet snippets of my life are floating around: My mom dancing, LP smiling, and JMBM laughing. Weird. Some of these memories are 20 years old.

Anyway, I couldn't figure out why all the above was floating around until this morning. I'm in the shower soaping up with Pandora playing on my speaker thingy when I have the eureka moment. For the past 10 days or so I have been listening to oldies music almost exclusively. Pandora at home and at work. The stations have been the twist radio and rockin robin radio. Great motown songs along with the occasional "where did that come from" song. What does that mean? Well, without rhyme or reason the stations will play guns and roses sweet child of mine or the lumineers hey ho or phillip phillips home. I don't know why. I enjoy those songs, but since I rarely upvote or downvote anything on Pandora their reason for playing these newer songs is a mystery... So, music associated with specific people and events opens a few closets in my brain that store dark chocolate (bitter sweet). Meh. I never really liked dark chocolate anyway.

The above may not be blog worthy to some of you, but I'm grateful to have figured it out. Time to change the station.

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