Monday, March 16, 2015

Don't be a cheater

So, I've been low carbing for about 2 months now with some decent success. However, due to peer pressure, I broke down and had a carb day on March 8th. It didn't start out as a carb daaaayy. It started out as waffles with ice cream and delicious toppings at like 2AM (edit :: I forgot to mention the mozzarella sticks, chicken fingers, and potato skins lol :: edit). I went to bed stuffed with food and I woke with a bit of a belly ache :(

After an extended purge I felt better and was ready to carry on :) I didn't have breakfast because I was considering limiting my food intake to one meal, but that soon went by the wayside. Around 11AM I split a 20 piece mcnugget with my friend. They ate more mcnuggets than I did because deep down I knew that this could go off the rails at any point. I also skipped the fries entirely. I smile while telling myself that was a victory. I'm still being good. I can salvage the day!

::shaking my head:: WRONG! ::shaking my head::

A few hours later I was hungry again since I only had like 6 or 7 mcnuggets. That's not a lot of food... I'm entitled to a proper lunch. Don't judge me!! We go to the preferred spot around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I have a well done chicken quesadilla and a cream soda. Not even a diet cream soda. A full sugar cream soda. Who is kidding who here? By this point I'm in full denial that this a problem. I mean, I've eaten a lot of carbs already so while I'm having lunch I decide to plan my dinner. Fuck you, fatty! It's called a cheat daaayyy!!

Anyway, after the quesadilla I'm stuffed. 7 or 8 at night rolls around and I'm not even hungry. I start to panic. The delivery places will be closing soon. I need to make a decision about whether or not I'm going to eat again. I have salad in the fridge. I could make a few eggs if I get hungry. I have frying cheese. Fuck that low carb food. I'm going out with a bang. I order a meatball parm hero with extra cheese on garlic bread, a side of broccoli rabe, and a sprite. I contemplated going to get a milkshake, but decided that would be obscene considering I ALREADY BOUGHT ICE CREAM on the way home from the quesadilla place. Hahaha. Oooohh I didn't mention that, did I? Yes. "Everything But The" from Ben and Jerry's was sitting in the freezer for the bon voyage celebration later that night.


I went to bed kind of happy, yet feeling gross at the same time. The next morning, after the purge, I take off all my clothes (every ounce counts) and weigh myself to survey the damage... 7 pounds. I gained 7 pounds in one day. My body sucked up the liquid and stored the carbs in my love handles. When I got dressed I had to use one of previously discarded belt holes. I gave back an entire belt hole! That's at least an inch. Today is the 16th. It's taken me 8 days of strict low carbing and partial starvation to get back to where I was on the 8th.

That's just crazy ::insert emoji of smiley face with tongue sticking out::

I'm already planning my next cheat day for May 16th haha

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