Faith is what keeps us doing the footwork even when we cant see the reason... this doesn't mean that we're lost. It just means that we can't see what we believe to be out there.
When I put in the footwork and place myself where I'm supposed to be the end result is always more than I wanted.
Christmas started out rough for me in the morning and the last few days ended better than I could have hoped. My plans can't compare to God's plan. I have evidence... God shows up in my life again and again when I trust in Him. I have great confidence in God's love and his will for me. Faith allows me the freedom to be myself. 8 years ago that's all I ever wanted. I'm not perfect nor do I aspire to be. All I've ever wanted was to love freely and be loved in kind. By God's grace I know that feeling on a regular basis and for that I am truly grateful.
It's said over and over that we are right where we are supposed to be. Another point of view may be that we are right where we put ourselves. Accept where you are and seek the strength to carry on. You will never come away from the well empty.
We were made for more than struggle.
Don't give up. Carry on knowing that there is so much more than you know.
Have some faith, keep your chin up, and don't forget to smile :)