Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The end is near

I thought I was "losing it." I'm now under the impression that I've lost it.

I'm reading Reddit and stumble across this joke:

"There aren't any divorce courts in the North Pole so when Santa and his wife split up they got a semicolon... you know, because they're used to separate 2 independent clauses."

Ba dum bump

I giggled my head off.

Really, I laughed out loud.

I kept smiling and smirking which were punctuated by the nose huff laugh.

It's been 30 minutes and now I'm writing this post while nose huff laughing.

Admit it. You tried it (nose huffing).

Anyway, point of this post is to let everyone know that between the memory loss and random giggling I'm pretty sure that I'll be signing a power of attorney soon.

The end.

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