Thursday, July 21, 2016

So money

I'm 41 years old (soon to be 42!) and I keep a stuffed animal on my nightstand. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of him to show you at the moment although he is in some Hurricane Sandy pictures if anyone feels like looking at posts from October / November 2012. My little guy / gal's name is G-raf, also known as G-money because, let's face it, little giraffes are dope as fuk and everyone knows that good dope is expensive.

Occasionally I will speak to my little stuffed friend as if he / she were real. It may surprise you that I haven't committed to a gender for shim (?) after all this time. Looking back I'd say that I refer to my little friend as a boy most of the time, but I'd rather let shim choose a gender identification when ready... snort.

Today I stumbled across a picture of what my, gender neutral, lil nigga(h) would look like if shim came to life!

World, it's my pleasure to introduce you to G-$$$

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