I had to edit the title and add "round 2" because there is another unrelated post on this blog with the same name from 2012. On the chance that you're curious... the answer is yes... the previous post is equally profound and hilarious o.0
It's been slightly over 1 year since the new house has been in my possession. I've only lived there since the end of August 2015 due to renovations and diverticulitis. Living somewhere new took more than a bit of adjustment. It was a few weeks before I started to call the new house home. Eventually I decided it was time to empty the condo. I threw out or gave away everything in the condo except for a few pictures and notes that will never leave their cardboard box. That was kinda shitty, kids. After the purge, the condo received a deep cleaning and a quick paint job. I believe it was listed for sale at some point in October. I accepted an offer on the condo in January 2016 and the closing was yesterday. This is the conclusion of a significant bit of history for me... I'm no longer poor!! hahahah
I know. You guys probably thought this was going somewhere else. Don't fret. It's not.
It wasn't a cake walk carrying the extra $2K a month for the condo and it's common charges while renovating and outfitting the new house. Additionally, couple a love for sneakers with the requirement of a new wardrobe and I was surprised that there was any positive cash-flow at all. Bit by bit the accounts have started to fill back up. The last 4 weeks have been the turning point. The 2 mortgages combined with insane property taxes on the new house netted me a significant refund from the state and fed. And now, the equity from selling the condo puts me back over the top.
So what's the point of this? Am I bragging? Yes. However, that's not the point. The point is not to be retarded with what's in the bank or the future cash projections. Should be easy, right? I've actually had a quasi-budget for over a year. Well, it's a budget because I've been limiting what I do and when I do it. There isn't much need for that at this time. I know what you're gonna say... slow down. There could be unexpected stuff on the horizon. Agreed, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't spend annnyyythiiingg-gah.
I want a car! I have the truck and I'll probably keep it, but I also want a caaaarrrr. Nothing crazy impractical like a 2 seat convertible... hmm. Well. I mean. Maybe. No. Check yo'self, handsome. This is what I'm talking about. Take it easy. Hmm. How about a watch? I love watches. I haven't bought one because I could use the money on a car! hah How about a watch and a car? Why not? It's all there. Both can be had and the accounts will fill back up. I have evidence. I know what's coming vs what's going out. I'm getting more and more excited by actually writing this down. A 911 convertible. Mmmm. How about an 116523 Daytona? I could do it. Me. Recovering addict who could barely pay the rent 18 months out of rehab and I'm looking at a fuckin' Porsche. Insane.
Let me clarify... what's insane is buying that car or the watch. The median income for a Porsche owner is $390,000. I looked it up. I'm not that guy. I'd guess I don't fall into the average Daytona owner income level either. So while the idea of driving a toy is appealing it's obvious that owning one right now is a dumb idea. As it's probably written in the Bible somewhere, "just because you can doesn't mean you should." - check yo'self befoe you reck yo'self. Then again, I guess I could rent one for a few weekends. Well, that would add up to a watch in a year or so. Why waste the money on a watch when it could go towards a car... oh boy, here we go again ::smirk::
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