Friday, May 20, 2016

6 months and counting

Election season is in full swing. For the democrats, it's women against whatever Bernie's supporters think they want this week. On the republican ticket we have decided upon Mr. Burns.

I'm not thrilled about our choice. Trump talks a lot about being able to make deals. I have no doubt that Trump will bridge the partisan divide. He talks a lot about Reagan and Tip O'Neill. Giving up something to get what you want. Unfortunately, to get what he wants Trump will make social / entitlement program concessions to the democrats that will easily take the national debt up another 5-10 trillion dollars depending on the length of his presidency.

While the idea of doubling the debt yet again is disturbing there is nothing more important than the Supreme Court Justices that will be appointed over the next 4-8 years. Through the years I've become more and more conservative. This partially has to do with money. I would like to keep more of what I make. The other reason is that I believe the intent of the constitution has been lost.

The constitution is a limiting document. Period. It's purpose was to limit the power of the Federal Government in all branches (executive, legislative, and judicial). Think about this - The 13 colonies / states were under the rule of the British Monarchy. A revolution began in 1776 and the British were finally pushed out in 1783. However a constitution wasn't ratified until 1788. The reason for this is that the states were afraid of a central ruling body that was going to make laws telling them how to live... like the British did. There is a collection of essays from that time which explain what the intention of the constitution and the Federal government was to be. The essays are grouped together in what is called, "The Federalist Papers."

The essays in The Federalist Papers were published in newspapers so that the general population could educate themselves about the document and the purpose of a Federal Government. I've linked in a copy of the essays above. Give them a read and make your decisions about if most of what makes news lately should be a Federal matter or one for the states. To me, most of what is put to the Supreme Court doesn't belong there. If Colorado wants to legalize weed then so be it. If New Jersey wants all humans with dicks to use the men's room to pee, even if they identify as Dorothy, then so be it. If Mississippi wants to make abortion legal right up to the moment of the child's exit through the vulva then so be it. If New York wants to call the union of same sex couples a marriage then so be it. The list goes on and on. These issues are not what the constitution was intended to cover. These issues were meant for the states to decide. Also, please know that if any of these was made an amendment to the constitution then so be it... the people have spoken.

In conclusion, aside from wanting to keep as much money that I make as possible, I want the Federal Government in all it's forms (executive, legislative, and judicial) to have less of a say in how I live my life. I'd rather leave such decision up to the state in which I live. Since NY is a liberal state I will probably leave here when that happens, but that's okay. The beaches down south are nicer anyway.

::EDIT:: Yes, I'd like to read the 30,000 deleted e-mails from Mrs. Clinton's e-mail server. Yes, I think Bernie is a mad man who would turn the United States into the type of world Ayn Rand warned us about. I'm as curious as anyone to see Trump's tax returns. I think any of Trump's kids would probably be a better "spokesman" than the man himself. Blah Blah Blah Contrary to some feedback, the purpose of this isn't to trash anyone. The purpose of this is to open your eyes and your mind to the fact that we're doing "this" wrong so let's stop pretending. What are you voting for? In turn what are you deciding to vote against and therefore potentially give up forever? ::EDIT::


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