Friday, January 15, 2016

Group Chats

There are 2 sides to every coin. In my opinion, nothing encompasses this statement more than a group chat -

Group chats can be useful. A few people are trying to get together and there's a discussion. Who's bringing what? What's the cross street? Where are you guys?! A group chat allows everyone to chime in and all information is available to anyone who is available... with service hah

Group chats can be entertaining. My friends can be funny and they can be brutal assholes. Most of the dialogue is not for the faint of heart. Today was no exception - Mothers, sexual orientation, adult toys, Trump, racism, obscene photos, and drug addiction were all in play.  I laughed out loud a few times.

Group chats can be annoying. Whether you're trying to take a nap, talking on the phone, write to your blog, doing the dirty, browse facebook, in a work meeting, in an NA meeting, or reading the installation manual for your air handler in a 100 degree attic multiple text messages can be intrusive... especially if your phone is not within reach and you forget to switch it to vibrate. Any attempt to express your annoyance with the multiple texts usually leads to replies about Mothers, sexual orientation, adult toys, Trump, racism, obscene photos, and drug addiction hah

And today's group chat winner is...

I'll leave the context up to your imagination.

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