Sometimes funny while tragically self indulgent at others these are my experiences and thoughts about my personal life and recovery. Come on in. Relax and enjoy the show.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Wings and things
So after a bunch of phone calls, bribes offered and REJECTED (psh!!), and some begging and pleading in person, we finally got 100 wings... from Croxleys. The anxiety over trying to get chicken wings the afternoon of the Super Bowl was on par with trying to buy beer from a convenience store after 2AM on a Saturday night / Sunday morning haha
We didn't eat all 100 wings, but gave it our best effort. They were perfect after a some time in the oven to reheat and crisp up. The sauces were outstanding. The effort and the result were well worth it.
Despite the carby (sp?) temptations all around me I stayed on plan aside from splurging on a few glasses of Diet Coke. Unfortunately, I forgot to take magnesium last night before I went to bed so I'm all jammed up today. I don't know if all the food is going to stall me in the future, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that I consumed about 3 pounds of chicken wings, cocktail shrimp, guacamole, and cheese yesterday :)