Friday, September 2, 2016

Are we having a conversation?

A conversation is an exchange of "information." Usually, questions are asked and answers are given. An example would be, "How do you define a good conversation?" There will be 2 opinions. They may be similar, but there will be differences. How big the differences are will determine if we can agree. We may not agree. It's okay. It's a conversation (see above: an exchange of information). Identifying something such as "what makes a good conversation" isn't the same as identifying who will be the guardian of our children if we simultaneously died in a fluke slip and slide accident. There is a difference...

So here's an idea for you all to consider - Stop trying to convert other people to your way of thinking.

Just don't do it.

Converse. Exchange ideas. Poke fun. Maybe even talk a little trash, but -

1. Do not enter a conversation with the expectation that you are going to convert me to your opinion. Why would that be your goal? Are you a Jehovah's Witness? You don't need to save me from my point of view. I'm an adult. I may change my mind after our exchange, but it's unlikely.

2.  Do not become defensive when I ask questions. My questions are not a judgement. They are for clarification.*

*small point of interest... I ask questions only if I care enough about you to find out how you came to your stance. If I didn't care then I'd just change topics and leave you to your misinformed opinion hah By asking questions I'm trying to convince myself that you mean well despite being wrong ;)

Seriously, if you're saying something and I don't ask questions then you can absolutely assume that I don't give a shit what you have to say. So there you have it. Do whatever you wish with that information. Good day, sir.

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