My house has a swing-set in the backyard. It gets used infrequently. At most, a handful of times this past year. My friends have children that are still babies and I have none myself. My neighbor has a few grandchildren and she asked me if I'd be interested in selling my swing-set. It's a nice set and it probably cost the previous owners a couple of mortgage payments to buy and install. I've seen sets in Costco and other big box stores for less money and encouraged my neighbor to take a look herself before making an offer on mine. Apparently they really like my set because she texted me today asking for pictures. I sent her what I had and decided to spend a few minutes looking online so I could send her some links... that's when I stumbled across the picture above. The different items this company has on their website are amazing. Plus they're on sale! This is truly the wonderland for little kids. It's swing-set pornography. I don't know who has the bank to buy something like this other than a celebrity of some sort or a trumpish capitalist pig. The pinterest for children under 10 would be full of these things (and candy!) if this company was widely known. If you're a kid and you grow up with one of these in the backyard then your next stop is going to be RKOI with a lion in the passenger seat of your 'Rarri. God bless you, little ones and the free market society as well!
As a side note, disposal of these units is a snap once the kids get older and angsty because they'll burn the thing in place during an ace of spades fueled rampage :) Grrrrrrr, I hate you mom and dad!! You ruined my life by not installing flat screens in my play-house like Blue Ivy had...
RIP Gene. Your movies were dope.
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