Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Too much?

I've read more about how people are going crazy talking about Harambe than I've actually heard anyone talk or post about it. Over the last 6-8 weeks I've been present for more actual discussion about quinoa vs rice than I have for anyone speaking about Harambe. What's the problem? The memes? There were pretty awful (but hilarious) memes about the death of David Bowie and Prince. Where were the complaints?... well, aside from the people who probably couldn't name one song by either artist. I truly feel that there are too many people in this world looking to be offended. Facebook proves this point. The massacre in the Orlando nightclub as well as the deaths of black men at the hands of law enforcement had the bandwagons overflowing.

In the beginning, I kept my number of facebook friends at 5 people for months. Eventually I started accepting requests and I think the highest number I went was in the 90s. Around that time the internet exploded with drama and I started to unfriend people. Fuck your hurt feels. You're clogging my feed with bullshit that you would never discuss in person. Headlines are great, but do you read bruh'? Posting articles of opinions written by other people that you, yourself, could not possibly articulate is retarded. Any discussion is immediately deemed being attacked by people who "just don't get it."

Needless to say, after that "conversation" I went on an unfriending binge. The great purge was almost 50 people. I'm capable of loving and respecting you even though we have differences of opinion. When you "need" me to agree with you is when I "need" to stop talking to you. When the purpose of our discussion becomes that you try to "convert" me to your way of thinking then it's you who has missed the point. It's a discussion. Have a dialogue. Exchange some banter. It's about sharing information so that we all stay open minded.


There's more to write, but it's a nice day and I'm going home to soak in the pool.

P.S. Fuck quinoa. I still think it's a made up vegetable.

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