Sunday, April 5, 2015


I got the house! It's pretty bad ass :)

The house was renovated 7-8 years ago so it's in good shape, but I'm going to give it a little love before I move in. On Saturday contractors were in and out to give estimates on the paint and flooring, but the highlight of the day was friends and family. There were 7 people in the house and outside on the patio. We played basketball then sat around eating food off paper plates. Laughter and music filled the house. It was everything I could have wanted. Thank you NA for the support. Thank you, Pon for inspiring me to push the last 8 years. Thank you to my family for the financial help and finally, thank you God... I don't know why you've chosen to bless me, but I will do all that I can to be worthy of it all.

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