Friday, December 4, 2015

I miss your face

I miss you.

I miss your face.

Your drive.

Your mind.

I miss our banter.

I miss your voice.

Your laugh.

Your squeal.

Your smile.

The little twitches when you fall asleep.

The look on your face when you're concentrating.

The lip.

That rump.

It's not every day...

There are now, finally, stretches of time when I don't think of you at all. Then, all of a sudden, a feeling comes rushing back to me and I'm drawn back into the warm embrace of what was. Yes, it's the past and what was will probably never be again, but oh how amazing that feeling can be.

I don't know if I ever told you, but you made me want to be better. Not just want... being with you forced me to be better. Little things and big life things. Grammar, spelling, and vocabulary hah I will forever judge all digital messaging by the standard you set. I learned to listen (although you may have felt otherwise). I made time to watch and read both sides of the news. Professionally I strove to do new things because you strove to do bigger things. I haven't stopped doing any of these things. I do them because they are a part of me now... you put them there.

Thank you.

That is all.

:insert music with some vague meaning::

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