Thursday, September 24, 2015

Obama, The Pope, and Pearl Jam...

No, silly rabbit. The title is not the beginning of a joke. They are all in NYC over the next few days. God save those who commute from the burbs during the work week. I'm told that anything around the UN including the 1st Ave AND the FDR is banned from vehicular traffic. Get your walking shoes on folks.

The Pope had some interesting things to say this afternoon. I'm fully aware that everyone doesn't agree with everything the guy had to say. If you read the linked transcript you'll see that he doesn't claim to know how to accomplish everything he proposed, but I really like the theme of not giving up. He says that these are difficult times and the resolutions to our problems are going to be complex, but he encourages us not to give up and continue trying. I really like that. Nice job, Frank.

I'm going to the Global Citizens Festival on Saturday... mainly for Pearl Jam, but the others should be okay too ;) I hope Jay Z comes out while Beyonce is doing her set. I doubt that's going to happen, but I can dream. Coldplay and Big Ed are a mixed bag for me. If I get a good night's sleep Friday then I'll enjoy them. If not a lot of their music is going to make me want to take a nap. I haven't seen Pearl Jam since July, 2003. That was a really good show: Once, Dissident, Corduroy, Present Tense, Given To Fly, Porch, Daughter, Alive, Hunger Strike, and Yellow Ledbetter. I hope to hear Black and Garden this time around... they can throw in Oceans, Deep, and Release too :) Oh and I also get to listen to celebrities educate me about what I should to doing to resolve global poverty. Meh

::insert pearl jam video at some point::  

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