Monday, May 11, 2015

I forget

Sometimes I need a little help seeing the whole truth. Sometimes I forget pieces of who I am and what I should be trying to do while I'm still on this earth. When that happens I'll read quotes and things like that to try and spark something to pull me back to right now. I found these today. I hope they touch something in you if you lose your way....

Good or bad, happy or sad, we are responsible for our situations and by extension our emotions. If I don't put myself in certain situations then I don't have to deal with their repercussions. Don't confuse being afraid with being prudent. If you're not sure which one motivates you then look back on whatever it was 30 days later. If you're smiling then you got it right... if you're not then go for it next time. It's okay to try and fail. I try things all the time knowing that I'm not going to get it right. Progress, not perfection. Don't worry, be happy. 2 in the pink, 1 in the stink. The list goes on... ;)

Worry less and do more because the whole truth is that:


You can.

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