My spirits... I can't seem to keep them up. I feel overwhelmed a lot. It's like I'm either on vacation or I've got the weight of the world on my shoulders. My entire existence involves multi-tasking. I'm not exaggerating. My day is full of different tasks that pull me in various directions. I'm thrilled to ever finish anything to my satisfaction because there always seems to be more to do... additional things that get stacked on. I know it can't be this way forever... eventually I'm either going to finish enough stuff to relax (professionally, personally, emotionally) or I'm going to go on a rampage and wind up institutionalized for a few years of forced down time.
When you do more, you're capable of doing more. Is this a vicious circle or does it all even out eventually? I'm getting old. Have I started to late? Did I waste all the energy of my youth finding ways and means to get more or am I doing that now? Did I take the wrong fork in the road somewhere that I'm not aware of? I really don't think so. I've caught a cold. I'm stuffy and I'm whining. There was a time when I couldn't do or handle anything. I was so fragile that I broke at the slightest resistance. I have you and I have God to help me. Please don't let me fall.
Thanks for letting me share.