Thursday, May 9, 2013

You're suspect

The world is a strange place.

I've gotten phone calls from a blocked number that turned out to be a woman I haven't spoken to in months. This turned my love's heart into knots. I'm still not very good at helping PB heal although I wish I was.

My friend Rob called me at work from his ex-girlfriend's phone. It's obvious to me that he's using. I've asked him outright, but he denies it. It's obvious, bro. We all know.

My friend Dave, who is actively using, has been texting me from random numbers asking for money.

I wanted to buy AMD in January... my friend who invests other people's money for a living told me it's a bad idea. I think it's up like 60%. Sigh

I wanted to buy AAMC in January... my father advised me against it. There's only 400,000 outstanding shares. You'll never sell it if it goes down. Blah, blah, blah... it's up over 100% since then.

You're all suspect!

Anyway, how could "we" know what to do and still not follow through. Don't cheat. Don't use. Do what you think is right! I don't know why we refuse to follow through on the information we're given when it's right in front of our faces. Time doesn't heal all wounds. My little PB will never forget the tears and the pain. She may love me in spite of the past pain, but it will never cease being a part of her life. I will never get back the time I lost being a part of her life and she mine. My friends will never get back the time they are throwing away by using... they could also die (just in case anyone forgot that addicts die from using). I will never get back the returns I could have realized if I'd gone ahead with my gut.... which is getting bigger. I must start running again. Maybe I'll go home and walk / jog tonight. I don't know what my friggin problem is with exercising again...

The end :(